Naap: Short Film Poster
Film Synopsis:
Sharmaji, fondly known as Masterji is a tailor by profession and lives a content life with his daughter Sakshi in their small yet satisfactory world. An unpleasant incident at his shop threatens to ruffle their lives forever.
Sewing machines in India have these intricate illustrations on the body, which usually illustrate the company name and are decorated with flora all around it - either flowers or leaves. Amongst these there are a few defining elements that showcase what the company stands for.
The poster uses the same sewing machines facade as the canvas for the story. The elements carefully picked from within the film, and placed in a manner that would intrigue the audiences to speculate the film's intention. With a few easter eggs added for the audience to decode and come up with their deductions. The colours demonstrate guilt and disgust and the style is a direct reference of the traditional illustrations that were done on the sewing machines.
Videowala Productions
Videowala Productions
Secondary Poster
In addition to the illustrative poster, a photographic poster was also created. This poster incorporated the photo of the father and daughter imposed on a torn fabric, exaggerating the feeling of distraught for the audience.
Film Directed by: Shardul Karandikar
Production House: Videowala Productions LLP