
Prakash: Poster

Film Synopsis:

Prakash revolves around the story of a girl who is forced to manipulate the truth. Ananya, a young and spirited girl is left with no choice but to take some hard steps to tackle some burden off her ailing mother. What follows is a story of a mother’s care and a daughter’s love. Inspired by true incidents.

The poster showcases a captivating painting of a mother, skillfully employing brush strokes as its medium, just as her daughter did in the film to conceal the truth and paint over cherished memories. Furthermore, it sensitively portrays the gradual erosion of her memories due to Alzheimer's, yet remarkably, the mother retains fragments of what has been lost, holding them close to her heart. As her age progresses, the flowers adorning her attire also fade, mirroring the passage of time.

By focusing on the lady, the poster poignantly captures the void left behind by her departed husband, an emptiness that intensifies as her memories inevitably diminish.

The carefully chosen colors in the poster echo those used in the film, subtly alluding to the act of recoloring the wall to mask the presence of photo frames. To convey a sense of tension, the title employs a high-contrast, Devanagari typeface called Daali.

Videowala Productions

Film Directed by
Shardul Karandikar